Many people associate dermatology care with adults or teenagers with acne, but young children can develop pediatric skin conditions that require dermatology care.

Dermatologists treat skin diseases in people of all ages. From newborns to older adults, healthy skin is essential to good health.

If you’re concerned about your child’s skin, it’s important to seek medical care before the condition worsens. Early detection and treatment for skin issues in kids are key.

Here are eight signs your child needs a pediatric dermatologist.

1. The Pediatrician Recommends Your Child See a Dermatologist

Good primary care is essential to your child’s health and well-being. Ideally, you and your child should have a relationship with a trusted pediatrician.

Your child’s doctor may be the first to notice a skin disorder. They may recommend a more specialized approach and refer your child to a child skin specialist.

Your pediatrician may work with the dermatologist to ensure your child receives the best care possible.

2. A Concerning Bump or Mole on Your Child’s Skin

You may think of skin cancer as an adult health issue, but skin cancer can occur in children too. In children, skin cancer can appear as a rash or bumpy area on the skin.

Skin cancer is rare in children, but it does happen. The same rules for early detection apply to children. If you notice any concerning bump or mole on your child, have it checked.

A growth, bump, or lump on the skin that gets bigger, bleeds, or changes color could be a sign of skin cancer.

3. A Skin Rash That Doesn’t Get Better

Everyone will deal with a skin rash at some point. There are a variety of causes for skin rashes, including eczema and viruses.

When your child has a persistent rash that doesn’t seem to get any better, seeing a pediatric dermatologist may be the next best step. Some skin rashes require prescription medications or other treatments to clear up.

If left untreated, some skin conditions can worsen. If your child has a stubborn rash or a rash that gets worse over time, seek children’s dermatology care as soon as possible.

4. A Rash That Becomes Uncomfortable or Painful

Although some skin rashes do not cause burning, itching, or pain, some do. Itchy, red, or burning skin can affect your child in a variety of ways. A painful rash can affect their sleep and their ability to concentrate at school.

An itchy rash can cause your child to scratch or pick at this skin. This can lead to a skin infection or a worsening of the condition.

Over-the-counter medications can help control burning and itching. It’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist if your child is experiencing any troublesome or persistent symptoms of a rash.

5. Hives That Don’t Go Away or Reappear

Hives or urticaria is a common skin condition that occurs when the body releases histamines. Hives are often caused by allergies or skin irritants. Sometimes it’s easy to identify the cause of this skin condition, but sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint a cause.

Hives can have a variety of other causes, including illness, infection, heat, or stress. If your child’s hives do not go away on their own or with over-the-counter treatments, a dermatologist can help.

They can often identify the cause of hives and prescribe the right medication to treat your child.

6. Persistent Acne

Acne is a common skin condition that pre-teens, teens, and adults often face. Hormonal changes that occur during the teen years can make acne worse.

Although it’s a common problem, you should still seek help for stubborn acne. Some forms of acne may respond to over-the-counter treatments, but for some kids, this approach doesn’t work.

They may need prescription medications to treat persistent or worsening acne. Untreated acne can lead to facial scarring, which can negatively affect your child’s social life and self-esteem.

There are a variety of effective treatments available for acne today, including medications, topicals, light therapy, and others. If your child’s acne isn’t easily controlled at home, it’s important to make an appointment for them to see a board-certified dermatologist.

7. Molluscum or Warts That Do Not Respond to Over-the-Counter Treatment

Warts are a common skin condition in children. They often appear as flesh-colored brown bumps and can occur anywhere on the body.

Sometimes warts disappear on their own or get better with over-the-counter treatments. Some warts are stubborn and can persist or even reappear over time. Dermatology treatments may be necessary to get rid of warts.

Molluscum is a wart-like condition that’s caused by a virus. It’s common in children and teenagers and can take up to 18 months to resolve on its own. In-office treatments may be the best solution to help eradicate the virus and get rid of these stubborn warts.

8. Thinning Hair or Hair Loss

It’s scary to lose your hair at any age, and this problem can be especially hard for children and teens to deal with. Some causes of hair loss in children include alopecia areata and ringworm of the scalp.

Another condition that leads to hair loss in children is trichotillomania. Children with this condition pull or twist their hair until it comes out and leaves patches of baldness on the scalp.

Telogen effluvium is another condition that leads to hair loss. This occurs when the hair’s normal growth cycle is interrupted due to stress. The good news is that many causes of hair loss can be treated with successful results.

When to See a Pediatric Dermatologist

Caring for your child’s skin is important for their overall health and well-being. If your child has a skin condition such as a rash, mole, warts, or hair loss that persists or worsens, seek care from a pediatric dermatologist.

At Central Kentucky Dermatology, our providers are committed to a patient-centered approach for you and your entire family. With over 15 years of experience in dermatology and skin surgery, Dr. Todd Clark provides excellent patient care to patients of every age.

Contact Central Kentucky Dermatology today to schedule an appointment.